APS installer Installation_error

Discussion in 'General' started by CrypticDesigns, Apr 15, 2015.

  1. Hello,

    First of all I would like to say that I really like the ISPconfig control panel. Its one of the best control panels on the market right now and all open source.

    Now I got a problem with the APS installer. I would love to use this installer so it all goes a bit faster and easier for my clients and myself. However when I install a package fomr the APS Installer menu in sites it gives me an installation_error. Not the xml error, I patched it, but I can see it creates a DB and a DB user. However I don't see it downloads any file in the webserver for the actual website. I am trying to install a Wordpress package, don't see any logs in the System-Log. Where should I look for a log about this issue? Or how could I find the problem?

    Thanks for reading
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  3. Hey till,
    Thank you for your answer. The installer works now. Nice job on the whole ISPconfig panel!
  4. Freiheit

    Freiheit New Member

  5. Freiheit

    Freiheit New Member

    Hello again,

    It seems that APS intaller works with wordpress, but not with magento.
    there are some others that also don't work
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Yes, it is known that not all packages from apsstandard.org are working. Especially the more complex ones like magento might fail.
  7. Freiheit

    Freiheit New Member

    So, i have to install it manually then?

    Thanks for the quick answer!
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  9. Freiheit

    Freiheit New Member

    thanks again!
  10. Freiheit

    Freiheit New Member

    BTW, for the little bit I looked into this, log files and such, it appears to be a permissions issue.
    One of the errors was that the access to a folder was denied.
    Maybe adding ispconfig (user) to the www group?
  11. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The installer is not run as ispconfig user. Please post the error message that you got.
  12. Freiheit

    Freiheit New Member

    I don't have the log anymore. But it said something about it not having write permissions on some folders
  13. Christian COMMARMOND

    Christian COMMARMOND New Member HowtoForge Supporter

    I face a similar problem, no aps installation works. I just get an installation_error and can not locate any log file.
    Fisrt things first: can you tell me where to find the logfile?
    Thank you.
  14. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The website apscatalog.com which hosts all APS packages has removed the packages from their servers, the links are now pointing to non-existent URLs, that's why the APS installer does not work anymore. The APS catalog at apsstandard.org states now that packages from "Open" APS standard are now available only for paying Plesk and Odin customers only or one has to contact the vendor of each package directly to get it. So basically, APS seems to be dead as a standard, it is now only a vendor internal Plesk format and we will have to remove the APS installer from ISPConfig then, or at least disable it in the code for now.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2018
  15. Christian COMMARMOND

    Christian COMMARMOND New Member HowtoForge Supporter

    I understand... So bad. Is there any alternatives? Or does-it mean that I have to do a manual installation (with the risk of breaking ISPCONFIG)?

    Thanks for your answer.
  16. Christian COMMARMOND

    Christian COMMARMOND New Member HowtoForge Supporter

    And then, there is an "apps and add-ons" is SYSTEM... could you please point me to an explaination of what it is made for?

    thanks again.

  17. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You can use the softaculous app installer with ISPConfig.

    Why shall manual installations break ispconfig? A manual installation is the standard way to install a cms, blog or shop. Just upload the blog/cms/shop code to the website, point the browser to the website domain and follow the installation of the web installer of the system that you install.
  18. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    That's for ISPConfig extensions, but there aren't any at the moment.
  19. Christian COMMARMOND

    Christian COMMARMOND New Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Thank you.
    I understand that ISPCONFIG is a BIG project, and I thank you for it (I don't know how many peaople are working on it, but, I am afraid that it is not enough). I am not an expert in websites (I am an Oracle DBA for my business) and I use ispconfig to ease my email management and (in the future) my websites.
    I would like to know about an up-to-date documentation of the (working) features and their usage. If you can point me to it, it would be very kind.
    And I will have a look of softaculous.

    Last thing: Can you point me also to where my (small) company can make a donation? (I will need a justification for tax services). As I use some 'freeware'/'opensource' software, I think fair to do some donation to encourage the maintaners.

    (I already are a small howtoforge supporter, But I think that it does not help you...)

    best regards,
    till likes this.
  20. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    As howtoforge subscriber, you can download the ISPConfig manual here:


    The manual is from sept. 2016, but it still covers all important functions in ispconfig. For installation instructions, use one of the perfect server guides listed here: https://www.ispconfig.org/documentation/
    The only non-working feature is the APS installer and this stopped working a few days ago. We will remove it from ISPConfig and the website in the next release. The extension installer is working, but there are no extensions as we currently have all the features in the ISPConfig core.

    You support me and ISPConfig already a lot with your Howtoforge subscription! Thank you very much! There is a 'support the ispconfig project + get a manual' button in ispconfig on the dashboard (if you did not click on the hide button yet). It basically brings you to this page: https://sowl.co/xjt57 where you can buy an ISPConfig manual and support ISPConfig, the price is 'pay what you want', so you can enter any value >= 5 EUR there. You will get an invoice from company ISPConfig UG which is a VAT registered company in Germany and you can enter your companys EU VAT ID during purchase process, if your company is located in the EU. But please note that you will get the same manual that you have already access to as howtoforge subscriber.

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