Attachments and Mailspace

Discussion in 'General' started by Pasco, May 4, 2007.

  1. Pasco

    Pasco Member

    Hi there

    I have a very little and silly problem, but I can't find the solution...:rolleyes:

    I've got 2 freshly installed Debian Etch Boxes with ISPConfig on them. If I create a User in a Web I can only limit/choose the Webspace available. As I remember from my other boxes with earlier versions, there was also the possibility to limit the mailspace of an user?! The webmails works fine, but there seems to be no quota for the users and I don't know why the field with "mailspace" in the user page has disappeared? I have the same problem on both boxes...

    Another question concerning mail:

    I've installed roundcoube. It works perfect so far. But I've just tried to upload/send an e-mail with an attachment that has a size of 3 MB. I can't upload it. There's no error message but the attachment isn't attached after uploading. What is the limit for attachments? I guess the same as for the whole mailbox? But that size is currently unlimited due to the problem mentionend above... :confused: So it should be possible to upload a lot bigger attachments?!
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The webspace is the same then the mailspace on systems with maildir setup. Thas why the field is not visible. On systems with mailbox setup, you have the additional mailbox field.

    This is not a harddisk or mail quota problem, it is the most likely the max. upload size limit in php. Please check the max upload size in the file /root/ispconfig/php/php.ini and restart the ispconfig_server after you changed the value.
  3. Pasco

    Pasco Member

    Great. Thx till, that was the solution! :)

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