Auto Login in Gnome

Discussion in 'Desktop Operation' started by nightfire, May 13, 2008.

  1. nightfire

    nightfire New Member

    Quick Tip and Trick:

    How to Auto Login to Gnome. If your this computer is somewhere that other people have access to it and you don't want them to, Then don't do this. Please read the Agreement at Bottom

    First you will need to open Login Window: System->Administration->Login Window


    Enter Password:


    Now Click the Security Tab at Top:


    Click Enable Auto Login and type in the User Name.

    That's all there is to it


    This guide is provided as is with no warranty, guarantee, or liability of any kind. Use it at your own risk. I am not responsible for any damages arising from the use of this guide. If you agree to these terms than you will use the guide with the understanding that you will not hold me or anyone else responsible for any damages, whatever their nature, resulting from the use of this guide.
  2. nightfire

    nightfire New Member

    Sorry for this being in wrong place. Didn't realize it untill it was too late. Please move to proper place.

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