Auto update using remote ?

Discussion in 'Technical' started by kadi, May 10, 2008.

  1. kadi

    kadi New Member

    I have about 45 sites on my server, and
    the orginal location of those site is on my
    other windows xp computer, which where
    i update the sites, the problem now is i have
    to keep uploading this updates each time
    they got updated, is there is anyway of
    setting up a remote synchronization like
    (resync) between both computers that
    will automaticlly update the sites on the
    server when it is updated on the windows
    computer (main one for the sites) ?
    I hope there is a way that will save me
    alot of work uploading all these sites ?
    Thanks your help will be appreciated.:)
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

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