Hi there i had the necessity to install ispconfig very often, so i've started a free project to develop such a script. I'm starting the devlop from the script of Mark Stunnenberg, how started from the script of another guy on that forum (sorry but can't find it). You can find it at https://github.com/servisys/ispconfig_setup If someone wanna help, test or report bugs would be appreciated
root@srv1:~# ./install.sh ./install.sh: regel 1: 1: opdracht niet gevonden ./install.sh: regel 2: 2: opdracht niet gevonden ./install.sh: regel 3: 3: opdracht niet gevonden ./install.sh: regel 4: 4: opdracht niet gevonden ./install.sh: regel 5: 5: opdracht niet gevonden ./install.sh: regel 6: 6: opdracht niet gevonden ./install.sh: regel 7: 7: opdracht niet gevonden ./install.sh: regel 8: 8: opdracht niet gevonden ./install.sh: regel 9: 9: opdracht niet gevonden ./install.sh: regel 10: 10: opdracht niet gevonden ./install.sh: regel 11: 11: opdracht niet gevonden ./install.sh: regel 12: 12: opdracht niet gevonden ./install.sh: regel 13: 13: opdracht niet gevonden ./install.sh: regel 14: 14: opdracht niet gevonden ./install.sh: regel 15: 15: opdracht niet gevonden ./install.sh: regel 17: 16: opdracht niet gevonden ./install.sh: regel 19: 17: opdracht niet gevonden ./install.sh: regel 21: 18: opdracht niet gevonden ./install.sh: regel 22: 19: opdracht niet gevonden ./install.sh: regel 23: 20: opdracht niet gevonden ./install.sh: regel 24: 21: opdracht niet gevonden ./install.sh: regel 25: 22: opdracht niet gevonden ./install.sh: regel 26: 23: opdracht niet gevonden ./install.sh: regel 28: 24: opdracht niet gevonden ./install.sh: regel 30: 25: opdracht niet gevonden ./install.sh: regel 31: 26: opdracht niet gevonden ./install.sh: regel 32: 27: opdracht niet gevonden ./install.sh: regel 33: 28: opdracht niet gevonden ./install.sh: regel 34: syntaxfout nabij onverwacht symbool '(' ./install.sh: regel 34: `29 PreInstallCheck() { '
wget http://repo.temporini.net/ispconfig/apache2/suphp.conf.txt -O /etc/apache2/mods-available/suphp.conf /etc/init.d/apache2 reload wget http://repo.temporini.net/ispconfig/postfix/master.cf -O /etc/postfix/master.cf ??
There's no install.sh in my script .... There are some config files i'll took from my repository, nothig to worrie about it. Got to fix in some better way p.s.: this is a very very very VERY 1st version of code.
I wil try now and let you know Jessie is a testing version, so maybe IPSConfig wouldn't install yet. I'll give it a try anyway
Jessie ist in RC state, so normally it should not be a Problem. I test the Script, but not working. For ispconfig on Jessie, some Packages need to be added and removend. I use now Debian Stable. I have on wish. Can you please add installation of MariaDB??
Hem sorry... In Centos i'll install and configure MariaDB. On Debian i'll prefer MySQL. In Future relase i'll evaluate as an Option for Debian
On Debian Jessie roundcube is not present as a package for now. I've fixed the installation of git needed for that. After that, it should be work perfectly Sorry for the bugs, but it's the first relase of this software.
You should check before installation, if all needed Packages are installed at the System The User of your Script can't know, what are you using ;D An other Point: What this mean?
Mmmm that's strange i've tested on a fresh installs Debian installation, and never had to install anything for whiptail, i'll do a quick check
In the default Minimal Debain install, should be installed. Code: root@debian:~# dpkg -l | grep whiptail ii whiptail 0.52.14-11.1 amd64 Displays user-friendly dialog boxes from shell scripts In any casse i'll add a little check
I use Debian Wheezy Standard in an OpenVZ Container. Strange., that the Package is missing. What does the other Message mean?
Yes very strange package is missing, is the default package used by any graphical install processo in Debian by default. I've just translated in English the line you quoted.
I've done big updates in those days. Latest version should work very well and do a lot of check. Hope this would be usefull for other people.
Really nice and clean script! Just in case that you like to automate the ispconfig installation even more, the ISPConfig install script has a autoinstall option. The autoinstall mode provides the answers to the ispconfig install questions in a ini style file. You call that mode with: php install.php --autoinstall=autoinstall.ini The install.ini has this format: Code: [install] language=en install_mode=standard hostname=server1.example.com mysql_hostname=localhost mysql_root_user=root mysql_root_password=ispconfig mysql_database=dbispconfig mysql_charset=utf8 http_server=apache ispconfig_port=8080 ispconfig_use_ssl=y [ssl_cert] ssl_cert_country=AU ssl_cert_state=Some-State ssl_cert_locality=Chicago ssl_cert_organisation=Internet Widgits Pty Ltd ssl_cert_organisation_unit=IT department ssl_cert_common_name=server1.example.com [expert] mysql_ispconfig_user=ispconfig mysql_ispconfig_password=afStEratXBsgatRtsa42CadwhQ join_multiserver_setup=n mysql_master_hostname=master.example.com mysql_master_root_user=root mysql_master_root_password=ispconfig mysql_master_database=dbispconfig configure_mail=y configure_jailkit=y configure_ftp=y configure_dns=y configure_apache=y configure_nginx=y configure_firewall=y install_ispconfig_web_interface=y [update] do_backup=yes mysql_root_password=ispconfig mysql_master_hostname=master.example.com mysql_master_root_user=root mysql_master_root_password=ispconfig mysql_master_database=dbispconfig reconfigure_permissions_in_master_database=no reconfigure_services=yes ispconfig_port=8080 create_new_ispconfig_ssl_cert=no reconfigure_crontab=yes