Autoresponder/Sender's message order

Discussion in 'Tips/Tricks/Mods' started by wathek, Aug 12, 2011.

  1. wathek

    wathek New Member

    Hi everybody,

    I got a problem I'd like to reverse the order of the autorepond message and the received mail message.

    I actually I got this :

    sender writes:

    > mouahgahahgagahg kjfkl dsjfkls mouahgahahgagahg kjfkl dsjfkls
    > mouahgahahgagahg kjfkl dsjfkls mouahgahahgagahg kjfkl dsjfkls
    > mouahgahahgagahg kjfkl dsjfkls mouahgahahgagahg kjfkl dsjfkls
    > mouahgahahgagahg kjfkl dsjfkls mouahgahahgagahg kjfkl dsjfkls
    > mouahgahahgagahg kjfkl dsjfkls mouahgahahgagahg kjfkl dsjfkls
    > mouahgahahgagahg kjfkl dsjfkls mouahgahahgagahg kjfkl dsjfkls
    > mouahgahahgagahg kjfkl dsjfkls mouahgahahgagahg kjfkl dsjfkls
    > mouahgahahgagahg kjfkl dsjfkls mouahgahahgagahg kjfkl dsjfkls

    My autoresponder message

    I'd like to reverse the order so that I get my autoresponder message before the sender's message.

    How can I do please ?

    Thank you
  2. radim_h

    radim_h Member HowtoForge Supporter

    also problem with utf-8 for autoresponder

    The autoresponder also does not show correctly utf8 characters..
    in some case with some characters as " ' @ . autoresponder does not work at all...
    i think there has to be some parameter in sieve about utf8
  3. hanzfranz

    hanzfranz New Member

    i have the same problems. any solutions?
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Which of the two problems discussed here do you have? The first poster asked about reversing the order of textsts in the autoresponder while the second poster has a question about utf-8 support in dovecot.
  5. hanzfranz

    hanzfranz New Member

    i mean the ordering problem. the autoresponder text should stay on top.
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I'e read trogh the sieve vacation RFC and as far as I can see, there is no parameter to change the test order.
  7. hanzfranz

    hanzfranz New Member

    no good news. will there be an updated in the near future? the autoresponder looks looks bad in the moment. my customers is very dissatisfied.
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Sieve is a international standard, so this is not related to ispconfig nor can we change that. What you can do is to use courier with maildrop instead of dovecot, courier maildrop is more flexible and has more functions then sieve.
  9. hanzfranz

    hanzfranz New Member

    is there maybe a way to delete the original message and only send the autoresonder text. wich file is responsible for the autoresonder?
  10. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I dont think so, but feel free to test it yourself. The .sieve file is in the mail directory of the user, e.g. /var/vmail/
  11. hanzfranz

    hanzfranz New Member

    sorry, but there is not Folder or file .sieve in that path
  12. hanzfranz

    hanzfranz New Member

    sorry, but there is no file or folder .sieve in /var/vmail/
  13. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Which pop3 / imap daemon do you have installed?
  14. hanzfranz

    hanzfranz New Member

    Courier IMAP bzw. Courier-pop3
  15. hanzfranz

    hanzfranz New Member

    hi till, any news?
  16. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    In that case, the autoresponder files are in /var/vmail/mailfilters/domain/user. The autoresponse message is generated by the mailbot application which belongs to maildrop.
  17. hanzfranz

    hanzfranz New Member

  18. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    But thats not related to the text order. The autoresponder is generated by the maildrop plugin.
  19. stocek

    stocek New Member

    Same problem here

    Hi Till,

    I'vet tried everything you wrote on this post. But still has the same problem. The autoresponse is below then the original message.

    When I changed the $RECIPIENT to $HOST@$USER no reply at all.

    I've the latest ISP Confoig , Postfix, and maildrop

    Is there any other idea what to do?


  20. todgerme

    todgerme Member


    Can you tell me which file generates the lines in the .autoresponder file

    cc "| mailbot -t $RESPOND -d $RESPONDDB -c 'UTF-8' -D 1 \
    -A 'From: $RECIPIENT' -s 'Auto Response: from $RECIPIENT' \
    /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -f ''"

    From there mailbot can be substituted for the basic mail/mailx command to send out the autoreply only back to the user instead of trying to change the reply order. Ultimately it's auto response we want to be highlight ... I don't think anyone needs to have the original email echoed back to them.



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