Hello, I use awstat to foloow my websites activity. I see that IP are not anonymized. I check and find in system> server config > web, a parameter: "Store website access and error logs" There is possibility to move it to "anonimize IP" Do you confirm that it will anonymize IPs in awstat ? thank you
This will anonymize the IP's in your access.log, which AWStats uses. Not sure how it will handle the stats then.
I wonder if this anonymized IP are compatible with fail2ban ? Fail2ban is reading logs also, isn't it ?
The log contains an IP as other software will fail that parses the log otherwise, but the IP is anonymized, which means not the real Ip of the person that accessed the site. By default, the last octet of an IPv4 address is removed and the last 4 sections of an IPv6 address.