Hello, is it possible to build an .pkg-AddOn-package wich includes the AWStats logfile-analyzer ? I don´t know how this works AWStats is more powerfull than webalizer. For more informations you can go here: http://www.awstats.org
Can we get a ready .pkg file for awstats, it would be much simpler, if you helped us compile the same. Thanks
You can install AWStats manually for each web site as per the normal AWStats installation instructions.
In next days I will try to install AWStats on my Server. When it run - I will write a HowTo for it. I think it´s more easy to write that HowTo than build a package
jnsc has created an AWStats package for ISPConfig. You might want to try it: http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=7293&highlight=awstats