Hi, I'm trying to import the AWStats from the old host. 1. Created the folders from the previous months/years. 2. Placed the awstats.<sitename.com>.html files in the corresponding directories. 3. Generated the static files. 4. Created the awsindex.html files. I can see the addaed years/months and can select those. The problem is that there isn't any data in the static pages. When I open the static pages from FTP, I can see the data. Is there something I'm doing wrong or forgot to do? I've searched on Google, but the only solutions I found, I already tried before searching the internet. https://www.howtoforge.com/community/threads/importing-awstats-data.58213/ Any help is appreciated!
so sorry, seems not many ppl really care/use/know enough on this topic to have an helpful idea. Myself included. Some things are easier to reproduce / play around with e.g. more common - this seems not. But my guess, since the static pages are generated, so do the index files, does awstats scans a directory to determine what data is available? does it just assume it and you can place any files using a given format? Does the cron overwrite your (index) files due to missing source data / use different files, e.g. are the files you view on ftp really the same? Maybe you could solve your issue already, would be nice to see pointers /steps you may have missed.