AWStats problem

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by spanish, May 19, 2014.

  1. spanish

    spanish Member HowtoForge Supporter

    AWStats 6.95 (build 1.943)

    My problem:

    The current month is OK.

    But all previous months have these errors:
    • They are almost empties (only first day stats and, I think, the first hour of the second day).
    • They shows only the stats of the first day and, I think, the first hour of the second day, of the next month.

    For example, today, May 19:
    • The May stats are OK.
    • The April stats only shows the stats of first day of May and, I think, the first hour of the second day of May.
    • The March stats only shows the stats of first day of April and, I think, the first hour of the second day of April.
    • Etc.

    Is this the "last day" bug?

    The erosbk fix solves this problem?


  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Compare the timezone of the server and the one in the ispconfig files. The timezone must be the same.
  3. spanish

    spanish Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Thanks, Till,

    # date -R
    Tue, 20 May 2014 13:11:53 +0200

    # vi /etc/ntp.conf

    # vi /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/lib/
    # vi /usr/local/ispconfig/server/lib/
    $conf['timezone'] = 'CET';

    Is this OK or I need change 'CET' to 'Europe/Madrid' or other configuration?


  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please try to use 'Europe/Madrid' in both files and check if it works better tomorrow.
  5. spanish

    spanish Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Done. I'll inform tomorrow. Thanks, Manuel
  6. spanish

    spanish Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Hello again,

    After waiting two months completion, I keep having a very similar problem.

    The stats of the current month are OK.

    But the stats of the all previous months have these errors:
    • They are almost empties (only first day stats).
    • First day of each previous months shows the stats of the first day of the next month.
    • Each previous months shows the dates of the next month.

    For example, today, July 2:
    • The July stats are OK.
    • The June stats only shows the stats of first day, and these stats are the stats of the first day of the next month (July). The stats of all other days are empties, and they are marked like the stats of the all other days of the next month (July).
    • The May stats only shows the stats of first day, and these stats are the stats of the first day of the next month (June). The stats of all other days are empties, and they are marked like the stats of the all other days of the next month (June).
    • Etc.

    I need that AWStats works OK.

    Please, any idea?


  7. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Did you change the timezone so that the timezone in ispconfig matches the system timezone?
  8. spanish

    spanish Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Yes, I changed it last May 20. Thanks, Manuel
  9. spanish

    spanish Member HowtoForge Supporter

    More info:

    Today, July 4.

    Go to mydomain.tld/stats:

    Jump to previous stats = 2014-7
    Last updated: 04 Jul 2014 - 00:59
    Period shown: Month Jul 2014
    (this is OK)

    Jump to previous stats: select 2014-6:
    Last updated: 01 Jul 2014 - 23:59
    Period shown: Month Jul 2014
    (this is wrong)

    Jump to previous stats: select 2014-5:
    Last updated: 01 Jun 2014 - 23:59
    Period shown: Month Jun 2014
    (this is wrong)


    Any idea?


  10. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  11. spanish

    spanish Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Thanks, Till,

    What are the files to revise? I can publish my files (I have never modified AWStats, so they would be the original files).


  12. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    We will check the scripts deom ispconfig then, if you did no modifications.
  13. spanish

    spanish Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Thanks. I wait your news. Regards, Manuel
  14. spanish

    spanish Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Hello again,

    I found this message in /var/mail/www-data:

    But I'm not sure if this is relevant, because I too received this notifications when AWStats was OK.


  15. spanish

    spanish Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Sorry! The awstats installation on this server was customized. I am recovering this information...
  16. spanish

    spanish Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Hello again,

    Two and a half years ago (January 23, 2012), "9. Anytime stats with awstats" customization was applied to this server.

    /root/scripts/mycron.php has the 3.0.4 version of code (and, currently, the ISPConfig version installed and running is

    Could this be the cause of the current problems?

    Thanks (and forgiveness for not having provided this information before),

  17. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    This might be the cause of the problem, but I cant tell you for sure as I havent tested this guide. Just from a statistical standpoint: there are many ispconfig installations out there and we havent had any other complaints with this problem yet, so it is likely that it does not occur in the official code.
  18. spanish

    spanish Member HowtoForge Supporter


    I have undone the "9. Anytime stats with awstats" customization.

    Please, what is the best way (more adecuate) to regenerate all the stats?

    Are there any special instructions or tips for ISPConfig?


  19. spanish

    spanish Member HowtoForge Supporter

    I can confirm that "9. Anytime stats with awstats" customization was the problem: after undo it, all is OK. Now, I can see the daily stats of the previous month (august).

    Please, what is the best way (more adecuate) to regenerate all the stats (previous months: july, june, may, etc.)?

    Are there any special instructions or tips for ISPConfig?


  20. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The log files exist only for the last 30 days, so most likely yo cant recreate older stats. Or did you kept a separate backup of the logs somewhere?

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