Hi Guys it looks like the site backup broke (on my system at least) somewhere between 2.2.33 and 2.2.35. According to this the 2.2.35 release notes Quintin Russ contributed a modification to the backup script. As far as I can see ./ispconfig/scripts/shell/backup.php was completely rewritten and now requires sudo to be installed and presumably configured so that adminispconfig user is in /etc/sudoers. Does anyone know where the documentation is for this change? Or do we need to log a bug report for this documentation. Cheers, Andrew
Ok it looks like I've found the cause: SVN Commit 1172 (till) introduced a dependency on 'zip'. eg "exec("cd $web_pfad && /usr/bin/find . -group web$web_id -print | zip -y $tmp_dir/web".$web_id."_web.zip -@");" It is also worth mentioning that spamassasin in 2.2.36 requires GPG... something that the installer neglects to mention.