Backup Function does not backup content of mailDir

Discussion in 'General' started by lkocram, Jun 24, 2008.

  1. lkocram

    lkocram New Member


    i am using ISPConfig and since yesterday i have the system in production. it works fine. nice work, i am definitely interested in version 3.
    i have only one problem. when i backup the user data of a domain, the folders of the maildir folder are not backuped. the maildir folder is empty and i do not know how to restore the mails.
    what might be the problem? the account definitely has emails in the new/ and cur/ folders. why does the backup not copy these files?

    CentOS 5.1
    ISPConfig Version: 2.2.23
    roundcube webmail

    postfix is working. home mailbox is configured to Maildir/ . mails are sent and received correctly. dovecot has mail_location: maildir:~/Maildir:INDEX=/var/indexes/%d/%u configured.

    thank you,
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The content of the maildir can not be backed up with the ispconfig backup function, as the user of the ispconfig control panel "admispconfig" can not access these files.
  3. lkocram

    lkocram New Member

    thank you for your quick reply (although, i do not like it :)).

    that means, if i ever need to backup the system i have to copy the maildirs as root user. well, at least in the future i will know that.

    have a nice day

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