Backup missed files

Discussion in 'General' started by adamluz, Oct 30, 2006.

  1. adamluz

    adamluz New Member

    I have a script on my server where you can upload pictures. All pictures upload through the script are not included when I do a website backup. I signed in to the control panel as admin thinking it is a permission problem and still was not able to do it. I had to go and change the permissions to all photos before I could run a correct backup.

    Is there a way to run these backups as root so all files in a users web get copied and not only those with in there group?

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The backup option from the interface can not run as root as the webserver does not have the priveliges. But If you enable the automatic backup in the file, a backup is run as root nightly and the backup is placed in the backup folder of every website.

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