Hello, i need to make a backup of my server to tranfer everything to a new machine. if i make a image-based backup i expect it not to work because of different hardware (mainboard, cpu, ram, harddisks, nics) in the new machine. so the only way seems to be a file-based backup. i'm running ispconfig with a lot of modifications, setting up a celan ispconfig and all addtionally installed applications would take me much time i actually do not have. anyone has a clue how i can achieve a file-based backup which will work on a new server with different hardware? thanks in advance, dumb-medic System: Open Suse 10.1 Ispconfig: 2.2.7 Server: Root - Stand alone
You should have a look here: http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2717&highlight=move+ispconfig