Backup reclaim

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by T.Darren, Sep 18, 2015.

  1. T.Darren

    T.Darren New Member

    HI all this's Darren
    It's possible to reclaim backup files made in a previous installation of ispConfig ?
    I have a copy of these files that I have put in the user's backup directory (chowned webx:clientx), but in the "BACKUP" option of the new ispConfig installation (on the same server & with the same domain) is not showing the backup files I have uploaded. Please help
    Don't tell me isn't possible
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The backup files will only show up when you migrate the whole ispconfig installation incl. dbispconfig database as the backup details are stored in the database.
  3. T.Darren

    T.Darren New Member

    oh oh, this sound bad !
    There's a way to modify the DB any way ?

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