BACKUPPC stuck on C$

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by dagaz, Aug 25, 2012.

  1. dagaz

    dagaz New Member

    Hi, I finally got BACKUPPC running after following the how-to. However, all it backs up are the files in C:\ and , get this, the Recycle bin.
    Everything else is not backed up.
    So I thought, maybe I need a user -backuppc- on the windooze's machine. Created it and no change. So I added the username and password in the host config and just get the C: backed up. No Subfolders :-(
    Next I added in Host configuration editor -> Smb Settings -> SmbShareName
    $Users, which is, I guess, the wrong syntax. I have no clue if I need a $ in front of the folder name, behind it or nothing at all.
    The only setting that works is C$ and as said before, only backs up the "root" C:\
    No C:\Users, no C:\important files...nothing.
    Btw. I also set each and every folder as shared but BACKUPPC did not touch any of them.
    I am lost.
    How can I manually add folders to the config and what is the syntax for that? Thanks for any help

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