Best Distribution For an old ThinkPad 610E

Discussion in 'Technical' started by thecgmguy, Dec 4, 2008.

  1. thecgmguy

    thecgmguy New Member

    What's the best distribution for an IBM Thinkpad 610E (PII - 96 MB RAM). Main factors are speed and security.
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I think I'd try Xubuntu. The XFCE desktop uses less resources than GNOME or KDE.
  3. athmane

    athmane New Member

    I tested Puppy Linux with a celeron 633 mhz with 128 mb ram and it work fine and come with a lot of apps, for more lighter distro DSL (Damn Small Linux)

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