Best way of backup Debian 12

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by pecka33, Dec 6, 2023.

  1. pecka33

    pecka33 Member


    i am using latest version of Debian 12 and ispconfig. I have two disks - one for backups and second for the system. Is here any best way how to do easy backup of my debian to disk with backups for case my system broke and i just do a restore?

    I found BackupPc software, but not sure if working with debian 12 and if is possible to set path for backups.

    Thank you.
  2. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    I have used BackupPC for 10 years, works well. I see no reason why it would not work with Debian 12.
    It is possible. From FAQ
  3. pecka33

    pecka33 Member

    Thank you. I tried to install via this manual
    Looks like that all was installed, but in case i get URL i get You don't have permission to access this resource. I tried it with and without HTTPS.

    Any idea please why? I follow manual step by step.

    In apache log

    [Thu Dec 07 12:00:46.039157 2023] [authz_core:error] [pid 2878789] [client] AH01630: client denied by server configuration: /usr/share/backuppc/cgi-bin/
    [Thu Dec 07 12:00:46.561281 2023] [authz_core:error] [pid 2878789] [client] AH01630: client denied by server configuration: /usr/share/backuppc/cgi-bin/
    [Thu Dec 07 12:00:46.777503 2023] [authz_core:error] [pid 2878789] [client] AH01630: client denied by server configuration: /usr/share/backuppc/cgi-bin/
    [Thu Dec 07 12:00:47.212687 2023] [authz_core:error] [pid 2878754] [client] AH01630: client denied by server configuration: /usr/share/backuppc/cgi-bin/
    [Thu Dec 07 12:00:47.764125 2023] [authz_core:error] [pid 2878754] [client] AH01630: client denied by server configuration: /usr/share/backuppc/cgi-bin/
    [Thu Dec 07 12:00:48.242097 2023] [authz_core:error] [pid 2878789] [client] AH01630: client denied by server configuration: /usr/share/backuppc/cgi-bin/
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2023
  4. pecka33

    pecka33 Member

    I solved it.
    Add line
    Require all granted
    to /etc/apache2/conf-available in backuppc config file and reload apache.
  5. pecka33

    pecka33 Member

    At all, i have a problem with do backups. When i start backups, i get error
    023-12-07 12:35:32 full backup started for directory /etc
    2023-12-07 12:35:36 Got fatal error during xfer (Tar exited with error 512 () status)
    2023-12-07 12:35:41 Backup aborted (Tar exited with error 512 () status)
    2023-12-07 12:36:56 Renaming /var/lib/backuppc/pc/localhost/XferLOG.0.z -> /var/lib/backuppc/pc/localhost/XferLOG.0.z.tmp
    2023-12-07 12:36:56 full backup started for directory /etc
    2023-12-07 12:37:00 Got fatal error during xfer (Tar exited with error 512 () status)
    2023-12-07 12:37:05 Backup aborted (Tar exited with error 512 () status)
    2023-12-07 12:37:49 BackupPC_backupDelete: removing #0
    2023-12-07 12:37:49 BackupPC_backupDelete: No prior backup for merge
    2023-12-07 12:37:49 BackupPC_refCountUpdate: host localhost got 0 errors (took 0 secs)
  6. pecka33

    pecka33 Member

    Problem was probably solved. I changed path for backups from /etc to /, in this case are backups all files of server. After this change and reload confguration backups start progress.

    At last, i guess that backup will be in tar format, so i can download it and for example save to my external disk.
    ahrasis likes this.
  7. ahrasis

    ahrasis Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Well you can also automate backup (sync) to cloud like gDrive if you are willing to search and learn from various online tutorials.
  8. pecka33

    pecka33 Member

    Thank you. And now, i start backup about 3 Pm. Now is almost 1 am and backup still running? Is this possible? My server with all data have about 200-250 gb.
  9. ahrasis

    ahrasis Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Only if your cloud is paid because free cloud service has limited storage. Other ways will be to compress and backup what is necessary only.
  10. pecka33

    pecka33 Member

    Thank you. I have own server, 2 disks with 1 TB. One disk which i choose for backups was free. Now is from 3 Pm about 30 % usage and still running
  11. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    It is not.
    BackupPC backs up files as files to the storage directory, and keeps tabs if identical file is already in the storage, then only a link is made.
    However, when restoring the backup it can in addition to restore in place be downloaded as zip or tar.

    It is possible.
    Backup speed is the slowest of (reading from client disk, network bandwith, writing to backup server disk).

    BackupPC aborts the backup job if it takes more than 24 hours, Then it starts new job and continues where the previous backup left. So it will complete eventually. Subsequent backups run faster since usually most of the files are identical to previous backup so are not backed up again.
  12. wileywalker

    wileywalker New Member

    I'm not sure how versed you are with Debian, but I would recommend you to check out if you are a bit advanced. It has very efficient compression and deduplication. I am very familiar with BackupPC, which I used for the last 5 years to backup around 100 or so servers, and have switched to borgbackup about a year ago. It does not have a gui (or not that I know of), but once setup it is very easy to use on the command line - provided you know your way around the command line a bit.

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