Best way to move spam mail to a folder readable by users

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by astate, Apr 28, 2009.

  1. astate

    astate New Member

    I search the best way to move spam mail to a folder readable by users.

    On other server.. i have email [email protected] and alll spam are go on it.
    But i don't know how i can install it with ispconfig and postfix

    I use SquirelMail, because it's on installation by default. I use the Centos OS.
    On other server i use roundcube.
    It's possible to easy add pluggin in squirelmail ? Because i dont want scrap ispconfig.
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I think you can configure this in the amavisd configuration.
  3. astate

    astate New Member

    I think i can use this config in amavisd

    $QUARANTINEDIR = "/var/virusmails";

    If i create email account like this : [email protected]
    and i create link of /var/virusmails in /var/vmail/

    Do you think it's work ?
    One of the probleme is the spam mail are in .gz format

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