Better spanish support

Discussion in 'Tips/Tricks/Mods' started by danf.1979, Dec 18, 2005.

  1. danf.1979

    danf.1979 Member

    Here you can download a better spanish support (various es.lng).
    Its a tar.gz with the corresponding directory tree for all archives.

    Notice: Some posts ahead there is a much better version!
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2005
  2. newzen

    newzen New Member

    Como debo instalar este mejor soporte para español
    Trad. how i can install that suport for spanish.

    Thank for yours help
  3. danf.1979

    danf.1979 Member

    Just untar it on /
    archives have /home/admispconfig/etc/etc path
    This is an even better version (much better) Download this!
  4. danf.1979

    danf.1979 Member

    Descomprimelo en la raiz de linux: /
    Los archivos vienen con la ruta lista... /home/admispconfig/etc/etc
  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Please post in English only so that everyone can participate!
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Can you please put your enhanced spanish translation into SVN too?


  7. newzen

    newzen New Member

    Excuse for write in spanish, falko are right, all must to can understand.
    So im a very newbird in linux, can you be more explicit and includu the instruccion for do that.

    very thanks for your contribution. a lot of thinks in spanish suport is in english and german too.
    I sugest in the future to include a documentation and howto for easy way for the users.
    Wating for your instruccion.
  8. newzen

    newzen New Member

    tar -xvf es.lng_home.tar.gz

    good for make that work?

  9. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Yes, this is the correct comand.
  10. juampi

    juampi New Member

    Thank You Danf!
    Great Job!


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