Hi @all, First of all I will explain what my problem is: I had installed an DRBD Apache Cluster with an Tutorial from verne.me But the site now ist down. The hole DRBD Cluster works fine since to the Day I started my backup machines parallel to my productive servers. (Same IP an DNS names ) Now I had the problem, that the two machines doesn´t find another. If I type IN "cat /proc/drbd" on Server 1 (Primary) this is the Output: If I tyüe "cat /proc/drbd" on Server 2 (Secondary) this ist the Output: My drbd.conf looks so: Did anyone have an idea how I can fix this Problem???? It doesn´t mather if the data are lost. I had an Backup . Greetings Chr.Raible PS: If someone can explain me how to install this Machines new with Debian Lenny it be an solution too.