Billing Function

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by oharel, Sep 30, 2007.

  1. oharel

    oharel New Member

    Hello Till & all.
    I know this issue was poped already from time2time; but I wish to know if ANYONE really took the chalange seriously; and is thinking about extending the basic invoice feature in ISPconfig to more detailed (but still simple) billing solution such as in: :cool:
    This, for us, would make the decision as we hope version 3 will include it (BTW: When is the release version planned).
    Many thanks.
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    There's no release date yet for v3.
  3. oharel

    oharel New Member

    Version 3 billing

    Yes, falko I understand fully but are there ANY plans (for now) to improve the billing ?. Are there some general instrctions how can I automate a report that will show me on a daily base if ANY of my clients/resellers are in defualt ?
    I would be very happy to know as I need to do it for our managment.
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Not at the moment, but this depends only if there is someone who wants to develop it. I'am not able to finish v3 and program a new billing module for v2. So any help is welcome.

    All invoices are stored as XML in a blob field in the database, you can access them with any programming language that supports xml.
  5. oharel

    oharel New Member

    Version 3, extended Billing

    Hello all.
    As it makes no sense to develop for version 2, I will chalange one of my crew (with XML,PHP knowlange) to write a billing modulo for version 3. How do you suggest he shell go around doing this (i.e. take the latest V.3 beta) ?. shell he speak to you (falko) first on some hints & tips ?. Shell he register as developer ?.

    About generating reports in general: Under Managment / Form designer , there is a possiblity to make new forms. Which of the exsisiting forms (temeplates) can show me the payment status of all clients or how can i make it from scratch ?. Is there any manual on this issue ?
    However I try it creates Comma seperate Values string and crashes (on my installed version).

  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    That would be great. Be aware that ISPConfig 3 is a completely different softeare which is written from scratch. It does not have a billing function yet, but ISPConfig 3 will be much better for large ISP's as it can manage multiple servers from one interface and has a cleaner design and codebase. ISPConfig 3 shall be released at the end of the year.

    The best working base is to use the SVN version. When your developer registers as developer, he will get access to svn.

    He can send me emails or post to the development forum. But A registration as developer is recommended as he then gets svn read and write access to the current codebase.

    ISPConfig 3 has no form designer. Have a look at this howto to see how the form framework in ISPConfig 3 works.
  7. oharel

    oharel New Member

    Version 3, extended Billing ; transition

    I understand now the best way to join the development of version 3 and will advise it to my person. TNX.

    How will be the move from version 2 to 3 ?
    I'm very afraid to migrate now all my 100 domains and to have to redo it in 2-3 months again to a completly new and diffrent verison.
    Do advice.

    Many thanks.
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    ISPConfig 2 qnd 3 have different software requirements, so a simple update wont work. We will provide a data export script for ISPConfig 2 which will export the database in XML format and the data of all sites as tar.gz files and ISPConfig 3 will have a import function for this data format.
  9. oharel

    oharel New Member

    Version 3, extended Billing ; transition

    So in the future (after version 3 will get stabilized) there will be a way to import to it from older version but only some of the information/settings/selections. More likely a manual process will be more effective (?).
    Anyway I get the picture and will see how to continue according to your tips.
    Keep on the good work !

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