Billing module went mad after updating ispconfig to 3.1.11 & billing module to 2.0.3

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by Davide, Jan 21, 2018.

  1. Davide

    Davide Member


    After updating ispconfig & billing module, it seems that updating recreated as recurring items all client items, even from disabled clients!!

    Now I have more than a hundred items with today date. Some new, some duplicated, some for clients I don't have anymore :(

    Is there any fast solution to this mess up?
  2. Davide

    Davide Member

    It seems it only made it with every addon template, not with master templates.

    Please, help, fixing this up by hand will take me several hours!
  3. Davide

    Davide Member

    Is this behaviour normal or is a sthetic bug?

    Attached Files:

  4. Davide

    Davide Member

    I mean this one:

  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I have not seen the behavior you describe on other systems nor does any user reported it yet. I'll take a look into the ISPConfig code to see why it might have happened. Clients and their add-ons are part of ISPConfig and not the Billing system. When a client addon get's added, then a billing item get's added as well, but the billing system will not add addons in ISPConfig.

    You can mass remove recurring billing items with phpmyadmin by deleting them from invoice_recurring_item table. e.g. to remove all items with today's start date:

    DELETE from invoice_recurring_item WHERE start_date = '2018-01-21';

    From which ISPConfig version did you update?

    And your screenshots show a visual issue which is caused by the new XSS fixes in ISPConfig, that's not related to the problem.
  6. Davide

    Davide Member

    I guess I came from 3.1.6.

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