bind9 and view

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by unkn0wn, Jul 18, 2006.

  1. unkn0wn

    unkn0wn New Member

    I want to know do i fallow right track :)
    i have apt-get bind9 dns-utils write my own named.conf

    include "/etc/bind/named.conf.options";
      channel simple_log {
        file "/var/log/named/bind.log" versions 3 size 5m;
        severity warning;
        print-time yes;
        print-severity yes;
        print-category yes;
      category default{
    zone "." {
    type hint;
    file "/etc/bind/db.root";
    zone "localhost" {
    type master;
    file "/etc/bind/db.local";
    zone "" {
    type master;
    file "/etc/bind/db.127";
    zone "" {
    type master;
    file "/etc/bind/db.0";
    zone "" {
    type master;
    file "/etc/bind/db.255";
    view "trusted" {
     match-clients {; }; 
      recursion yes;
      zone " {
       type master;
       file "/etc/bind/";
    view "badguys" {
     match-clients {"any"; }; 
     recursion no;
     zone " {
       type master;
       // javni hostovi
       file "/etc/bind/";
      // add required zones
    include "/etc/bind/named.conf.local";
    I want to splice enternal and external network.
    Is this a good syntax.
    Can i add notify or some else clausule.

    After that i write zones one ext with public IP and one internal with internal ip.

    I just want to know before i proved to work is that named.conf ok?
  2. unkn0wn

    unkn0wn New Member

    its said that all zones should be in view statment .
  3. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  4. unkn0wn

    unkn0wn New Member

    i look that but i dont understand .
    must i copy all zone to "trusted" part?

    is this corect

    iew "trusted" {
      match-clients {; };
      recursion yes;
      zone "" {
        type master;
        file "/etc/bind/";
      zone "" {
        type master;
        file "/etc/bind/db.255";
    zone "." {
            type hint;
            file "/etc/bind/db.root";
    zone "localhost" {
            type master;
            file "/etc/bind/db.local";
    zone "" {
            type master;
            file "/etc/bind/db.127";
    view "badguys" {
      match-clients {"any"; };
      recursion no;
      zone "" {
        type master;
        file "/etc/bind/";
  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Looks ok. Did you test it?
  6. unkn0wn

    unkn0wn New Member

    i test it but when i use this config client couldnot reach dns :(
    omg .......
    any sugestions?
  7. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Anything in your logs? Is port 53 (TCP and UDP) open in your firewall?
    What's the output of
    netstat -tap
  8. unkn0wn

    unkn0wn New Member

    axe:~# netstat -tap
    Active Internet connections (servers and established)
    Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name
    tcp 0 0 *:tcpmux *:* LISTEN 21976/portsentry
    tcp 0 0 *:20034 *:* LISTEN 21976/portsentry
    tcp 0 0 *:32771 *:* LISTEN 21976/portsentry
    tcp 0 0 *:32772 *:* LISTEN 21976/portsentry
    tcp 0 0 *:40421 *:* LISTEN 21976/portsentry
    tcp 0 0 *:32773 *:* LISTEN 21976/portsentry
    tcp 0 0 *:32774 *:* LISTEN 21976/portsentry
    tcp 0 0 *:31337 *:* LISTEN 21976/portsentry
    tcp 0 0 localhost.localdo:mysql *:* LISTEN 30171/mysqld
    tcp 0 0 *:ircd *:* LISTEN 21976/portsentry
    tcp 0 0 *:systat *:* LISTEN 21976/portsentry
    tcp 0 0 *:pop3 *:* LISTEN 1542/dovecot
    tcp 0 0 *:5742 *:* LISTEN 21976/portsentry
    tcp 0 0 *:imap2 *:* LISTEN 21976/portsentry
    tcp 0 0 *:sunrpc *:* LISTEN 21976/portsentry
    tcp 0 0 *:finger *:* LISTEN 21976/portsentry
    tcp 0 0 *:netstat *:* LISTEN 21976/portsentry
    tcp 0 0 *:54320 *:* LISTEN 21976/portsentry
    tcp 0 0 *:sieve *:* LISTEN 21976/portsentry
    tcp 0 0 *:10000 *:* LISTEN 26918/perl
    tcp 0 0 *:27665 *:* LISTEN 21976/portsentry
    tcp 0 0 *:ingreslock *:* LISTEN 21976/portsentry
    tcp 0 0 *:* LISTEN 11985/named
    tcp 0 0 localhost.locald:domain *:* LISTEN 11985/named
    tcp 0 0 *:ftp *:* LISTEN 21976/portsentry
    tcp 0 0 *:ssh *:* LISTEN 21976/portsentry
    tcp 0 0 *:nntp *:* LISTEN 21976/portsentry
    tcp 0 0 *:telnet *:* LISTEN 21976/portsentry
    tcp 0 0 *:socks *:* LISTEN 21976/portsentry
    tcp 0 0 *:smtp *:* LISTEN 11231/master
    tcp 0 0 *:12345 *:* LISTEN 21976/portsentry
    tcp 0 0 *:12346 *:* LISTEN 21976/portsentry
    tcp 0 0 *:635 *:* LISTEN 21976/portsentry
    tcp 0 0 *:49724 *:* LISTEN 21976/portsentry
    tcp 0 0 *:uucp *:* LISTEN 21976/portsentry
    tcp 0 0 localhost.localdom:2525 *:* LISTEN 3439/gld
    tcp 0 0 *:prospero *:* LISTEN 31411/pure-ftpd (SE
    tcp 0 0 localhost.localdo:mysql localhost.localdo:42270 ESTABLISHED30171/mysqld
    tcp 0 0 localhost.localdo:42270 localhost.localdo:mysql ESTABLISHED7913/dovecot-auth
    tcp6 0 0 *:2021 *:* LISTEN 20199/sshd
    tcp6 0 0 *:2022 *:* LISTEN 20199/sshd
    tcp6 0 0 *:2222 *:* LISTEN 20199/sshd
    tcp6 0 0 *:www *:* LISTEN 1048/apache2
    tcp6 0 0 *:https *:* LISTEN 1048/apache2
    tcp6 0 0 *:prospero *:* LISTEN 31411/pure-ftpd (SE
    tcp6 0 4712 ::ffff:192.168.200:2222 ::ffff: ESTABLISHED6025/0
  9. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Ok, BIND is running...
    Anything in your logs? Is port 53 (TCP and UDP) open in your firewall?

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