Bind9 Issues:

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by astewart, Nov 2, 2010.

  1. astewart

    astewart New Member

    I am currently having problems with getting Bind9 to work properly.
    ISPCONFIG 3.0.3
    Ubuntu 10.10

    I've updated the NameServers in the Godaddy CP which are also pointing there now.

    I've added a DNS Zone using the template as usual but unable to get any response from the Domain.

    I restart Bind9 and this is the error I'm getting:
    Here is my output from:
    I double checked to make sure that the ISPCONFIG is pointing to the proper Bind9 directory, which it is.

    More output info:

    Does anyone have any ideas why this isn't working for me?
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2010
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    As the error message says, you missed to add A-Records for NS1.IWEBSOURCE.NET and NS2.IWEBSOURCE.NET. A subdomain can normally not be used as ns record for the same domain, its the hen <> egg problem. To solve that, you have to add glue records in the domain server of the registry where you registered the domain.
  3. astewart

    astewart New Member

    Odd, I have already setup a glued Record in the Godaddy CP. This was working properly when I was using the old 'mydns' on my old server but not with Bind9 on this server.

    I'm just trying to understand exactly what you mean though, because in the Godaddy CP, for the domain, I added 'ns1' and 'ns2', then assigned my servers external IP address:

    Am I not suppose to use the same NS for the same domain name?
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    And you added NS1.IWEBSOURCE.NET and NS2.IWEBSOURCE.NET A-records also in the zone IWEBSOURCE.NET in ispconfig? Adding them only at godaddy is not enough, you have to add them in the zone as well.
  5. astewart

    astewart New Member

    I thought the wizard does that automatically.
    Any how, I did add two 'A' records for the name servers under that domains zone as well but no luck. (The image pic doesn't show the 2 A records I added though).



    Still nothing is working right :(

    What am I missing here?
  6. astewart

    astewart New Member

    So this is what I have set in ISPCONFIG:

  7. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Seems as if your nameserver isn't responding:

    What's the output of
    netstat -tap
    netstat -uap
    ? Can you post the zone file?
  8. astewart

    astewart New Member

    netstat -tap
    netstat -uap
    I am assuming that the Zone file for is?:
  9. astewart

    astewart New Member

    sooo, bump I guess
  10. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You've forgotten the final dots. It must look as follows:

  11. astewart

    astewart New Member

    omg, I can't believe I over looked that.. Thank you Falko! Everything is working now :)

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