I am hoping someone out there can help me out with this, as it is driving me crazy. On my web site, after people log in, there is a group of links along the side to navigate within the site. Any none site related links I put in there work fine, but any site related links all go to a white screen that says 'You have left Fields blank. Please relogin. I have tried turning the register globals on and off, but that does nothing. I have tried working in the .htaccess file, putting in the php_flag register_globals on, and have also used php_admin_flag register_globals on, but none of them work. The php_admin actually gives me the 500 error. Can someone please help? Why would it say I left fields blank after logging in, and ask me to relogin?
I am lost as to which file I should show you. There is A LOT files, but only a few that every file has in common.
You need to be looking at the condition that causes this error to be generated Code: 'You have left Fields blank. Please relogin