Block an Email destination

Discussion in 'General' started by binover, Jan 29, 2009.

  1. binover

    binover New Member

    Hi guys and girls, mi ask is very simple, is any way to block/drop all the emails send it to a particular email?

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The emails are dropped automatically when you dont have an email account for it. So if you want to drop all mails for an specific email address, just delete the account and the emails will get rejected.
  3. binover

    binover New Member

    Thanks Till but the mail address isn't in my server, it's in yahoo, I don't know why many of my users send it emails, and for that reason yahoo don't let me deliver in their servers.
  4. edge

    edge Active Member Moderator

    No URGENT this time??

    Anyway.. You will (like / / / many more) need to get your server white listed.
    and more...

    As your server has been sending a lot of spam ( you migh need to do some more things before it's white listed..
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2009
  5. binover

    binover New Member

    No edge, this is not urgent.......... urgent is when you can send any mail and you have 50 domines calling you, luckly I solved that a little...

    thanks for your respond, nothing new to me I have to say, but that don't answer my specific question, can I black list an exterior email in all my server?

    Thanks again.

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