Bridging the Wired Segment (Ethernet) & Wireless Segments (Access Point)

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by Paris Heng, Jul 14, 2007.

  1. Paris Heng

    Paris Heng New Member

    Dear ppl.

    (1) This my pre-setup illustration, and clcik on NM.bmp, this is my network illustration.

    (2) I am testing using Wired Network (Ethernet Network) first, then later i am about to use the Wireless Network. From the figure, i set the laptop with access point capability by using D-Link PCMCIA DWL-G650 (Atheroes Chipset) + Madwifi driver + Madwifi-Utilitis + Hostapd (which I not install yet).

    (3) Once I set-up the access point using Hostapd, the Mobile Node (MN) need to connect to the Internet using my laptop AP.
    My problems now is to enable the (MN) to connect to the Wired Segment through my laptop wireless access point.
    It is what i need for this is the bridging between the Wired segment and the Wireless Segment? I found out the 2 links is very useful. In general, is that all i need to follow on this 2 following links? Any other task i need to done instead of this?:-

    (4) For you information, my current configure Ethernet LAN segment is the Home ADSL Router which is the gateway to my ISP (see illustration).

    (5) In general, what is iptables and masquerading/NAT? (I will explore on it)

    (6) I plan to use freeRADIUS server or WinRadius (in Windows platform) , then still i need to setup the DHCP server?
    If i need to setup the DHCP server, where should i set it? In my laptop (AP)? or setup a new PC which act as a DHCP server?

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