Bug in ISPConfig/UebiMiau?

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by EvdM, Sep 19, 2006.

  1. EvdM

    EvdM New Member

    Dear all -

    I have a particular problem with one specific account. If this user tries to log in to UebiMiau, he receives an error message at the top of the browser:

    Warning: reset() [function.reset]:
    Passed variable is not an array or object in
    /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/web/webmail/msglist.php on line 180

    The inbox shown conains only one message with:

    From: [No subject]
    Subject: [No subject]
    Date: the login date and time
    Size: 0Kb

    This message cannot be deleted.
    The actual inbox of this user does contain the regular mail.

    Since this occurred, I have upgraded ISPConfig to 2.2.6 (from 2.2.4) and also upgraded UebiMiau to the 05/18/2006 release. This did not help at all.

    All other accounts seem to be fine and I am pretty much clue-less where else to look. So any suggestion would be much appreciated. Thanks!

  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Do you use Maildir or mbox?
  3. EvdM

    EvdM New Member

    I run Maildir on a Debian Perfect Setup box

  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    In the Maildir directory of that user, there should be a .cur, .new, and .tmp directory. If you have a look at them with
    ls -la
    , do you see that empty message somewhere?

    Do you have the same problem when you use an email client such as Thunderbird or Outlook?
  5. EvdM

    EvdM New Member

    ls -la of the particular Maildir shows:


    i.e., no .cur, .new, .tmp but cur, new, tmp.
    In those directories are no empty messages at all. Just a lot of seemingly regular messages.
    If I use a regular imap client like Thunderbird or Firefox, all works perfectly well.

    I have just removed all messages from the 'cur' directory to a temporary location. Now the mailbox seems to be normal. So it seems that there is a particular message which obstructs things...

    [30 min later]
    I have managed to identify one particular message (from 502) which caused the mail client to freak out. Without this message all is fine.
    If someone is interested, I can send the particular file for further examination.

    Thanks all!
  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    That's fine.
    What do you mean with 502? Is it the user id of a possibly non-existing user on your system?
  7. EvdM

    EvdM New Member

    Sorry for being unclear. This was just to indicate my frustration for having to search 502 messages for just one that made the web mail client freeze...

    Thanks for all the help!
  8. esezako

    esezako Member

    I have the same problem

    I have the same problem. What can i do?
  9. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please post the exact error message from the mail log.
  10. esezako

    esezako Member

    I don´t have any error on the mail log, i only have this error when enter on uebimiau:

    Warning: reset() [function.reset]:
    Passed variable is not an array or object in
    /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/web/webmail/msglist.php on line 180

    exactly like Evdm post in the first post.

    I fixed temporaly this issue erasing all msg in the maildir, but think this bug must be fixed.

    What can be the problem?
  11. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    This is not a problem in ispconfig and I have not written uebimiau, so you might have to look into the uebimiau sources or ask the uebimiau developers what might cause this.
  12. esezako

    esezako Member

    ok, when I found a solution I will post here

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