[BUG] Spam profile normal - All mails marked as spam

Discussion in 'General' started by Blinkiz, May 10, 2010.

  1. Blinkiz

    Blinkiz New Member

    I do believe I have found a bug in Possible other versions too.

    When using spam profile "normal" on a account, all scores between 1 and 4.5 is marked as spam.
    Problem comes from database dbispconfig and table spamfilter_policy. On id 5, "normal", spam_subject_tag has varchar value ***SPAM***.
    I do believe this is wrong and this value should be in spam_subject_tag2.

    I do not know how to report bugs, so am creating this thread in the forum.
  2. mike_p

    mike_p Member

    It seems my settings don't match yours.

    For the normal setting, if an email achieves a score of ...
    3 it is tagged with '-- potential spam --' (ie spam_subject_tag)
    5 it is tagged with '***SPAM***' (ie spam_subject_tag2)
    or if it reaches 50 it is dispatched to the darkest corners of hades.

    AFAIK those are the settings that ISPCOnfig creates on installation. If your values differ, then they have been changed.

    In my opinion, this does not constitute a 'BUG'.
  3. Blinkiz

    Blinkiz New Member

    Hi there Mike. Thanks for the comment.
    I also have a new installation of on Ubuntu 9.10.

    The line, -- potential spam --, I do not have.
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Thats a known bug in 3.0.2 and has been corrected in SVN already. Just empty the value for spam_subject_tag and add it in spam_subject_tag2.
    Last edited: May 10, 2010
  5. mike_p

    mike_p Member

    Thats odd! In my installation (using standard it was applied correctly!

    My apologies to Blinkiz for suggesting it wasn't a bug!
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I was not absolutely correct, it must have been a bug in 3.0.2 which was fixed in

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