Bug when updating ftp accounts from reseller

Discussion in 'General' started by ddelbia, Jul 1, 2010.

  1. ddelbia

    ddelbia Member

    Hi all!

    I'm writing about a possible bug (or strange behavior) in ispconfig

    When I create an ftp account from reseller, CLIENTNAME is set with the name of the reseller and not with the final customer name. When the reseller updates an ftp account (eg. password), the client name are changed and the ftp username too. I think this is a bug. To restore it, I have to login as final customer or admin, and change it again.
    I think this is a reseller related bug

    Possible quick solution: lock ftp username, so when it is updated, the username does not change.

    Thank you!
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please report this to the bugtracker, we will check it then.

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