Hello, Is it possible to build scenario like this: ispconfig.png with one master server and two ispconfig panel? We need finaly 10 WWW backend (without panel), 4 Customer DB Server, 4 MailServer, 2 Login panel (behind HAProxy). All of this connected to one DB Master.
I think the most fun will be the replication of client1 db to master db to slave db dunno about the www-slaves, never used mirrored setup if it is that. everything else looks kindergarten I assume you mixed the arrows up - there should be no replication from like dns servce to master db
Hi, thanks for reply and help. I think - in my diagram is one logical problem with dependencies and replication. (Sorry for this). In my ideas, all slaves must by connected to MASTER DB ISPconfig but without replication (builded in mysql). All of multi server slaves instances use only MASTER DB ISPconfig. In cluster is only one mysql replication: master-slave between MASTER DB ISPconfig and SLAVE DB ISPconfig. On diagram I use the wrong direction of the arrow for all www, dns, and db client backend. The question is: two ispconfig panel may use the same master DB and each working as a ISP master without conflict? Could you send me an apache2, and php7.0 dependencies to install only ISPConfig panel? In ISPConfig Panel > System > Servers, DB must be enable for all servers? Can I enable this only for DB for Client? Have you an performance tests for www slaves? How many sites should be working on 4core/8gb RAM www slave node?
If they use the same database, it might work to have 2 ispconfig master frontends, as long as one master doesn't try to change webhosting, dns, email... on the other master if they do not share the same filesystem/passwd/groups... that might go out of sync then You can uncheck the DB checkbox, it representates the service available to configure. If you don't want one system beeing in the pool as database server, uncheck It depends on how much traffic these sites get => more apache process, granted apache does use almost no memory compared to php-fpm ^^ I'm not sure about mass hosting, I usually administrate servers with few sites but high volume. And heavily depends on wether the webs sould have php, can you reduce the memory usage by disableing modules? doing monitoring on them? what else uses recourses? I think you're running out of memory before running out of cpu power. Dependencies for ISPConfig uhmm well I don't have that handy but one thing I can say: don't use mpm_prefork and use profy_fcgi and let php-fpm run chrooted on the webhosting servers.
Thanks. What do you mean: "it might work to have 2 ispconfig master frontends, as long as one master doesn't try to change webhosting, dns, email... on the other master"? Is only one MASTER DB. Could you describe me a situation scenario for this fail? Based on this diagram, changed webhostig, dns, email to other master is... changed MASTER DB to MASTER DB (the same). Each ISPConfig panel have the same db configuration. The same IP and credentials. One more. ISPConfig have a "balancer" for sites or clients? How to balanced sites between www slaves? When I have 3 www slaves and 10 clients with 90 vhosts created, it is possible to balance vhosts between nodes to configuration: www1 - 30 sites, www2 - 30 sites, www3 - 30 sites. If client not changed server when create vhosts, all are create on first (on list), if not changed, my situation will be: www1 - 90 sites, www2 - 0 sites, www3 - 00 sites.
I mean: it should work having 2 ISPConfig :8080 logins using same database if the particular server used for login is not hosting anything on its local disk. this would of course needed to be shared between both servers. If they only admin other servers, alll good. however if they don't it should work, haven't tested though but I don't see reasons. @till knows this stuff better. No ISPConfig does not have any kind of balancing support built in to my knowledge. There are multiple ways on how you can manage your traffic - some depends on the reason why you need to balance it so the right decisions can be made. Remember that you need a balancing machine which can handle all traffic - can be a router, can be a server ( at this scale I consider both the same anyway ). And I guess you'd have to use a mirror, don't know if the mirror-setup works like that, @till ? I usually made this using some ftp-uploadscripts, inotify, rsync and other hacks
thanks! yep, admin panel will be behind HAProxy with RR. One domain, at the moment 2 backends with panels, but in future, maybe more backends. Slaves behind pfsense router with CARP HA. Now we have tested ISPConfig cluster and I learn this software. Today I found strange problem. In tested cluster I have ispconfig panel and www on one server and DB Client as a slave on second server. When I try install APS package, every time installer create DB on localhost (www and panel server) not on dedicated DB server. Solution: disable DB server in System > Server for (panel + www) server, and.... update in mysql because every time when I create client( customer) via ispconfig panel, in mysql is: default_dbserver=0 , db_server=3 (dbispconfig > clients). My DB server have id=3. But I don't know why default_dbserver is 0. When I update to default_dbserver=3 , db_server=3, APS installer create DB on dedicated DB server.
hi, I have problem with panels. How to connect two ispconfig panels to the same dbispconfig DB on master server?
Change the database connection details in the file /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/lib/config.inc.php to point to the dbispconfig database on the master.
Ok. How to install ispconfig second server? Join to existing cluster or create new master with point to new (i.e dbispconfig2) db and after install change DB in file? Can I scp /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/lib/config.inc.php from panel1 server to panel2 server after install?
You can copy the interface to the second server, the interface part is just a normal website. But all other slaves have to be normally installed.