Calculate number of users

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by misterm, Jun 20, 2023.

  1. misterm

    misterm Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Under ispconfig, how do you calculate the number of users per server?
    Because I would like you to implement security and I need this information?
    Kind regards
  2. nhybgtvfr

    nhybgtvfr Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    what is a user?

    if it's a single ispconfig client account (client##).. they could have 1 website and 1 mailbox.. they could have 20 websites and 300 mailboxes.. so a completely different load placed on the server by 1 client..
    if you mean web## account.. again. you don't really give any useful information..
    is this a single server running both webserver and mailserver? is it multi-server with at least 1 dedicated webserver and 1 dedicated mailserver? are the website databases local on the webserver, or using a dedicated dbserver?
    again that will completely change the load profile for each web## account.

    and that's not even getting into how big / complicated each website is. how much concurrent traffic does each site get?

    mind you all this has little to do with security... each client has their own cp login, each website has it's own user account.
    ftp and ssh logins are tied to web## accounts. (and ssh should be jailkit only)
    if everything is configured in the standard ispconfig way, jailkit is used and only strong passwords are used.. then it makes no difference to security if you have 1 user on a server, 2 users on a server, or 2000 users on a server.
    then security for each individual website / mailbox comes down purely to what you allow to run in the jailkit, the strength of the passwords, and how up-to-date and secure you keep any cms you use for a website.
    for the server itself, it comes down to keeping all the packages and ispconfig up-to-date, and password / ssh key strength. and only opening the required ports.

    if by users, you mean the number of concurrent visitors the server can handle, again that comes down to number of cpu's, amount of ram available. disk i/o speed.. apache / nginx / php configuration. caching. along with the resource requirements of each individual site..
    a fully html site will use less than a simple wordpress site.. a simple wordpress site will use less than a big complicated wordpress site using a heavy theme and 50+ plugins (yes, some sites really do use that many).

    you can run load tests on each individual site (disable the others (clients won't be happy)) to find out what each site can handle on your current config.. better to copy a live server to an identical spec backup and test there.
    you can spec each site to allow it to fully load the server.. or reduce the max resources each site can use, so multiple sites can be under load at the same time.. it all depends, some sites will never get a lot of visitors, concurrent or otherwise.. but you may be running multiple sites that regularly and simultaneously experience high concurrent visitor numbers..

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