I would like to create new clients data automatically. But, I don't know what I must do. I think that it may be possible by these steps. 1. new clients register. 2. php files insert the data from them into mysql - client - dbispconfig. However, I can't understand what id_rsa and ssh_rsa are too. Is this correct? And, Could I find files used to add new clients on control panels?
ISPConfig has a remote API for that, do not manipulate the data in the dbispconfig database manually. The api documentation and examples are in the remote_client directory of the ispconfig tar.gz file.
Thank you for rapidly reply. Thank you for rapidly reply. I tried to do sites_web_domain_add. But I got this message data_processing_errorpm_process_idle_timeout_error_regex<br /> pm_max_requests_error_regex<br /> SOAP Error: pm_process_idle_timeout_error_regex pm_max_requests_error_regex. What is this? Is 'pm'_* configuration on ispconfig?
This indicates that you did not pass the values for the variable pm_max_requests and pm_process_idle_timeout as part of the params array to the function. If you use a recent ispconfig version, then these values are required to be passed to the function as part of the params array. Btw.: Please search the forum first: http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=58948