Can I set up an Intranet with Perfect SuSE 10.1 setup?

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by LHTyler, Jul 25, 2006.

  1. LHTyler

    LHTyler New Member


    I am new to Linux, though I have had some experience with the GUI versions of SuSE. I have been asked to set up an intranet and I'd like to use SuSE 10.1. The intranet will be for internal use only, and will not be accessible from outside.

    If this isn't the correct place to post, please let me know where I should ask.

    Thank you,
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Yes, sure. :)
  3. LHTyler

    LHTyler New Member

    intranet -- got it

    Hello Falko!

    I figured it out. (I also realized I had posted in the wrong forum as my question concerned setting up the intranet website using ISPConfig.)

    Falko, your how-to was outstanding! I have a very little knowledge of Linux, mostly from what my son has taught me. I set up my server -exactly- as you said, only losing my nerve when TLS started asking for authentication for certificates. I made notes of everything I entered and just kept plugging along. I couldn't get Putty to work to copy and paste your text, so I typed it all in manually, checking everything line by line. It worked perfectly. Thank you so much!

  4. witless1

    witless1 New Member

    To copy and paste into putty simply copy it as normal on the windows machine and right click in the terminal and it should appear. For future reference for you.
  5. LHTyler

    LHTyler New Member


    Thank you!

    My son said, "Mom, type it in. You should learn what you're doing."

    Later, after grumbling about a typo it took me 30 minutes to find he said "Mom, the console is your friend, the keyboard isn't!" I asked him to make up his mind, but he just laughed.

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