Can I setup a client to have access to create FTP accounts without giving root?

Discussion in 'General' started by cristobalmiguelo, Jan 7, 2008.

  1. cristobalmiguelo

    cristobalmiguelo New Member


    I will soon have a virtual server and I'd like to setup the following:

    A printing company client of mine has clients that need to upload things. My client then needs to download and delete the files.

    I want to not give root access to my client for him to create the FTP accounts for his clients. The accounts will need to have a quota on them. I also want to set it up so that the FTP accounts that he creates are subdirs of the main one that he will be able to delete files from after downloading them. I'll probably setup some scripts to manage the ownership of the folders as I'm not counting on anything to manage that automatically.

    But... can ISPConfig do this?

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Yes, ispconfig can do this. Create website and let your client create additional users.

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