Hi all, I noticed that new in 3.2 the installer asks for SSL as follows: Create new ISPConfig SSL certificate (yes,no) [no]: yes Symlink ISPConfig SSL certs to Postfix? (y,n) [y]: Symlink ISPConfig SSL certs to Postfix? (y,n) [y]: y Symlink ISPConfig SSL certs to Pure-FTPd? Creating dhparam file may take some time. (y,n) [y]: y Questions: What confuses me is that it doesn't ask for SSL for dovecot, it only asks for postfix? Is this some kind of self-signed SSL certificate or Lets Encrypt that will automatically renew itself? Does ISPConfig encrypt the web panel with i http on https://<hostname>:8080? How to please let's encrypt for http (web-panel 8080), pure-ftp, postfix and dovecot via autointall.ini here: https://github.com/jerob/docker-ispconfig/blob/master/autoinstall.ini Thanks for informations.
Dovecot uses the Postfix SSL cert, makes no sense to have different certs for smtp and imap. A Let's encrypt SSL cert is used if Let#s encrypt is able to issue a cert for the hostname, if the cert is refused e.g. due to wrong DNS configuration, then a self-signed SSL cert is used. The Controlpanel login is always SSL encrypted. You can find the autoinstall.ini sample in the ISPConfig tar.gz file, it enables SSL by default. https://git.ispconfig.org/ispconfig...cs/autoinstall_samples/autoinstall.ini.sample
Ah, so just put yes 3 times in the installation configuration file during installation and all services will be encrypted with LE, that's great, thank you for the advice.