Hi, I haveen trying to get tcl and tk working on my machine for several days with on success. I have a gateway with 2 dual core processors running CentOS 5.4 I have been using rpm and yum to attempt to get this to work. I have read the man pages for both and can not get an install to complete. I hae completely uninstalled tcl using rpm -e tcl which appeared to work. I then used yum remove tcl which ran OK. Next I invoked rpm -e tcl which appeared to work. I then used rpm -i [--aid] tcl which told me that --aid was not a valid option, so I used rpm -i tcl which ran OK. I then ran rpmbuild which failed saying it could not find //tcl. I have also attempted to use yum exclusively to do this and have similar errors. Notes: When I use yum it downloads both the i386 as well as the x86_64 version. I don't know if I need both of these or only the x86_64 version. Can someone please help with this? Thank You.