Cannot delete email address - new installation

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by flycast, Sep 22, 2015.

  1. flycast

    flycast New Member

    New installation on Debian 7. I followed the Perfect Server tutorial here:
    E everything has worked perfectly! Usually after four pages I mess something up! ;) Well, possibly I have.
    I started testing mail accounts. I created a mail domain OK and it seemed like I created a email address OK. Now I cannot delete the email address or edit it. When I tray to delete the address I get the javascript dialog and click OK but the mail record does not go away. If I try to edit the email address I get the form to create the address without any fields populated.
    I know very little about email servers and am doing this as a kind of self tutorial on setting up and securing servers. Any help would be appreciated!
  2. flycast

    flycast New Member

    I went to the mysql database and the user was still in the database. I deleted them by hand and recreated them through ISPConfig. No help. I made sure all the typical email ports were open on the firewall (25, 110, 143) no progress. I also tried to login to email using the squirrelmail web just sits and spins. After a minute or so it says "Unknown user or password incorrect."
  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Did you add any aliases in apache, especially and alias /mail will cause problems like this (thats why the perfect server uses /webmail as alias for the webmail client).
  4. flycast

    flycast New Member takes me to squirrelmail. I do not believe that there are any other aliases. does not resolve. I'll check apache tonight when I have ssh access.
  5. flycast

    flycast New Member

    Nope, no apache alias defined
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Check the dbispconfig database with phpmyadmin to see if a database table in mysql has crashed.
  7. flycast

    flycast New Member

    Nope, all tables check out fine.

    Rereading my last post I might sound like I am dismissing your suggestion. What I mean to say is that all the tables checked out with status "OK" in mysql.
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2015
  8. flycast

    flycast New Member

    Further work. I moved my database to a stand alone server rather than localhost. Postfix/dovecot was not working because it was not connecting to the host. I reconfigured dovecot, postfix and amavis and now I can send and receive.

    When I try to delete an address it goes through the motions but does not delete. If I try to edit the address it comes up with a blank form. When I delete the email domain both the email domain and the email address get deleted from ISPConfig and the Mysql tables.
  9. flycast

    flycast New Member

    Here is what the issue was:
    I originally set up ISPConfig on localhost mysql server. I then moved the database to a remote server. I changed the connection parameters in many places but obviously missed some.

    I started a new server and installed a fresh ISPConfig with the databases on the remote server from the start. The new version worked just fine.

    I am assuming that I did not get all the database connection parameters changed in all places that needed changed.

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