Cannot login to ISPconfig

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by gman, May 5, 2006.

  1. gman

    gman New Member


    I've just installed ISPconfig and tried to login from mydomain:81 with the "default" username: "admin" and the default password: "admin". However ISPconfig is not letting me in for some strange reason. Does anyone know how I can perhaps change the password?


  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  3. woodbury

    woodbury New Member

    So what if it doesn't and how do I fix it? Heres a copy of the info

    mysql> SHOW DATABASES;
    | Database |
    | test |
    1 row in set (0.09 sec)

    mysql> USE <ispconfig_database>;
    ERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user ''@'localhost' to database '<ispconfi g_database>'
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Then you got a problem. Remove ISPConfig:
    rm -fr /root/ispconfig
    rm -fr /home/admispconfig
    and try to install it again.
  5. Eboyi

    Eboyi New Member

    Hi there,
    I've just finished installing and i've the same issue as gman. I don't know what i've doen wrong through the installation. So if it helps i'm gona post my "SELECT * FROM sys_user;" output after following ur instructions. plz help ::confused:

    mysql> SELECT * FROM sys_user;
    | doc_id | doctype_id | groupid | username | passwort | pwcl | design | gueltig | language
    | mailmax | bookmark_order | email | news | modul | nav_color | box_color | site | domain | perms | modu
    les | anrede | vorname | name | strasse | plz | ort | telefon | fax | email_home
    | alter1 | woher | land | passwortRecover | newsletter | userid |
    -------------------------------------+--------+---------+------+---------+------+------+---------+-----+----------- -+--------+-------+-------------+-----------------+------------+--------+
    | 1 | 1 | 0 | admin | 21232f297a57a5a743894a0e4a801fc3 | | blau | 1 | en | 5120000 | 1 | admin | 1 | isp | 123456 | E4E4E4 | ISPConfig | | rwa | sys, isp,dns,isp_file,isp_fakt,tools,help | Herr | | | | | | | | | | | Deutschland | | 0 | 1 |
    +--------+------------+---------+----------+----------------------------------+------+--------+---------+---------- +---------+----------------+-------+------+-------+-----------+-----------+-----------+--------------+-------+----- -------------------------------------+--------+---------+------+---------+------+------+---------+-----+----------- -+--------+-------+-------------+-----------------+------------+--------+
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)

    Do i really need to reinstall it ??
  6. Eboyi

    Eboyi New Member

    Okay. I think i've solved my issue and Give Thanx for your time Falko.
    found that the pass was admin not password :rolleyes: didn't read the instructions well enough :)

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