Cannot open true file font Fedora17 entering emergency mode when boots

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by ashangel, Jul 17, 2012.

  1. ashangel

    ashangel New Member


    New to linux.I had been working on fedora 17. Rebooted yesterday but it gave error: Cannot open true file font, Took me in to emergency mode as root user.

    I made these changes:

    vi /etc/default/grub

    replaced SYSFONT=True with SYSFONT=latarcyrheb-sun16

    I am a beginner in linux so don't know how to work on command line but somehow managed to get out of the editor.

    When I rebooted, it gave another error:

    E325: ATTention.....

    And a long message about swap file.......

    How can I ever get out of this problem, my work has come to halt.

    I have a dual boot system, so when it boots, grub shows me fedora and advanced options for fedora. In the advanced options are the kernel versions options and their recovery modes. I tried to boot through one of the recovery modes as well but all in vain.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  3. ashangel

    ashangel New Member

    I did use the cd to recover but it didnt help.
    But you know what, I had been saving the image of my linux partition through macrium software on windows 7. I thought it wont work but luckily it did :)

    THANKS !!

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