Recently I've installed 'The Perfect Server – CentOS 7 (Apache2, Dovecot, ISPConfig 3)'. Everything seems to work, except I can't access server via domain (only with external ip address). I have created nameservers in my registrar and whois is working. Is it posible to post any configuration code here to find out if the fault is there? Is it posible the problem is in my ISP? Thanks in advance (I have to mention that I am noob at this) I'm pretty sure that the problem is in Bind's configuration. What files should I post here?
Please check in System > server config > dns if the paths for the bind config files match the directories of your server.
till thanks for your answer. You are right, two of the paths were completely rong. The BIND zonefiles directory and BIND named.conf path. Bind wasn't even running. I replaced them with the correct ones and now Bind is up and running. BUT I still cant access via domain. I think that the problem is in the zone files and I would like some further explanation: 1) Is /var/named/ the correct zonefiles directory? 2) Inside /var/named/ there are three files, named.localhost, named.empty and named.loopback. Inside my files there is rname invalid. What should it write? 3) When I create a new dns zone from ISPConfig does it create new zone files or does it write inside the above three ones?
Use these settings: BIND zonefiles directory: /var/named BIND named.conf path: /etc/named.conf BIND named.conf.local path: /etc/named.conf.local ISPConfig will then ceate the zoen files in /var/named/ directory.