Hello! After a while of using ispconfig 3, today I returned to the arena! With some problems though. After using the DNS wizzard everything looks good in the DNS Module. Then, when trying to add the website, it doesn't show it in the "domain" dropdown menu, just after "IPv6-Address", in the "Web Domain" form. Anything I missed? Thank you!
Seems as if you activated the domain limits. In this case, you have to add the domain in the domain module (older ispconfig versions) or the domain limitsof the client module (since first.
Thank you Till, but that was not problema. Here is the solution if someone else has the same problem: Go to "Clients", then "Domains", click "Add New Domain", enter your domain name. Then it will show in the dropdown when adding the new website. Should be simpler? Maybe... Thanks again.
Thats exactly what I told you above. You activetaed the domain limts and therefor you have to enter the domain separately in the client module. It is simpler by default, you just configured your system to require that separate step. so if you want to get it simpler, then go to system > interface config > domains and disable the domain limits that you had activated there.