Can't chmod

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Lord Quoros, Jun 4, 2008.

  1. Lord Quoros

    Lord Quoros New Member

    I have my server up and running finally with my mega file hosting script installed but I need to chmod a few file but when I do it says that they don't exist. I am using centos 5.1, virtualmin,proftpd, and gftp to chmod the files.
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Does chmod'ing work on the command line?
  3. Lord Quoros

    Lord Quoros New Member

    No chmod isn't working on command line either... I tried to recompile proftpd and gftp but that didn't work either, so I ened up using cuteftp in winxp to chmod the file then ran my script.

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