Hi. Some time ago I've set up a server based on this tutorial: http://www.ispconfig.org/news/tutor...bian-6-0-with-bind-dovecot-nginx-ispconfig-3/ Everything was working fine just until recently that I realized ftp accounts don't work, old and new ones both. Any ideas on why it could stop working out of sudden? regards Bartosz Jakubowiak
OK. I got it working (almost). As you suggested I had tried a different ftp client (total cmd) and it connecter right away. hmmm... why can't filezilla do that anymore. So I tracked down the cause - passive and active mode. My whole life always connected using passive mode. So how do I enable back the passive mode in pure-ftpd?
If you have installed a firewall that restricts FTP to only port 21 then you may observe this problem. To fix that, open /etc/pure-ftpd/pure-ftpd.conf for editing and remove the hash to uncomment the following line (about 1/3rd of the way down the file). # PassivePortRange 30000 50000 Restart pure-ftpd by issuing this command. service pure-ftpd restart Finally, you'll need to open that TCP port range in your firewall. Normally that's done by adding "30000_50000" (less quotes) to the ingress & egress TCP open port lists. You should now be able to list content with an FTP client.