When logged in as a client and trying to create database user I get error: The max. number of database users is reached. Also, when creating database and clicking 'save' I get empty error container with no message inside. Seems like it's related to no user. How can I resolve this? My ISPconfig installation was done with root mysql user and in config files it's configured correctly.
The error message indicates that you have set a limit on database users or databases in the client limits which is too low. Set a higher limit in client limits in ISPConfig.
Okay it worked. I've create new limits template at clients page. Just a little bit strange that default limits allow creation of FTP, SSH users but not MySQL databases. What's the reason behind such decision?
The default is unlimited mysql users and unlimited databases when you create a new client. Newly created client:
That#s probably the case, as no such issue exists in ISPConfig. When you use an external application to create users, then this external application also controls the limits.