Can't get cgi-bin to work!

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by DennyCrane, Feb 28, 2009.

  1. DennyCrane

    DennyCrane New Member

    Can't get cgi-bin to work with https!

    This is a bit of an emergency for me. I have a site with cgi enabled, but when I try to access any of the scripts with https, I get back a 404 not found error. They show up correctly if I access with http. Please advise.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2009
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    1) Which ISPConfig version?
    2) Do other pages of this site show up correctly with https?
  3. edge

    edge Active Member Moderator

    Also.. Are you pointing to the correct cgi-bin directory?

    On ISPconfig 2x you will need to point it to /cgi-bin/ , and not cgi-bin/
    The cgi-bin directory is NOT within the "web" directory!
  4. DennyCrane

    DennyCrane New Member

    No, other pages did not. I've actually just (literally the same time Thunderbird popped up to notify me of a reply) got it to work ... half way. I seem to have used the SSL feature incorrectly ...

    We are moving a domain from one host to another, and we need to take the certificate with us (or is that not possible?), so I had originally copied the Request and Certificate texts and pasted them into ISPConfig, also carefully inputing the same info for country, province, company name, etc. Then I chose Action "Save Certificate" and clicked save. Obviously, that didn't work.

    However, just now, I tried inputing only the Request from the old server, company name, etc, but not the Certificate. I then chose "Create Certficate" and it generated a certficate. I then replaced that Certificate with the original from our old server, and now I can access the files via https, however, it states that the certificate is not valid. I am confused about all this, and wondering what I might be doing wrong?

    Edit: I'm not really sure what version it is. I'm not sure where that information is displayed. It should be rather recent, as it was just installed by our host.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2009

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