Can't get chroot jail to work

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by rbees, Sep 30, 2009.

  1. rbees

    rbees New Member

    Ladies & Gents

    I have been trying to set up a chroot jail for some ssh users. I have been using this how-to
    I tried an earlier one from the same author and didn't have success either.

    I am at this point.

    I am able to login as the "testuser" provided that I change the sshd_config and comment out the settings for "testuser".

    The error is
    :~$ ssh testuser@kingbee
    Debian GNU/Linux squeeze/sid
    testuser@kingbee's password:
    /bin/bash: Permission denied
    Connection to kingbee closed.
    The auth.log contains
    Sep 29 18:07:56 Kingbee sshd[25831]: Connection from port 33898
    Sep 29 18:07:56 Kingbee sshd[25831]: Failed none for testuser from port 33898 ssh2
    Sep 29 18:08:01 Kingbee sshd[25831]: Accepted password for testuser from port 33898 ssh2
    Sep 29 18:08:01 Kingbee sshd[25831]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user testuser by (uid=0)
    Sep 29 18:08:01 Kingbee sshd[25839]: Changed root directory to "/home"
    Sep 29 18:08:01 Kingbee sshd[25831]: User child is on pid 25839
    Sep 29 18:08:01 Kingbee sshd[25831]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session closed for user testuser
    So far nothing I have tried has helped.

    There were 2 entries in /home/etc/passwd & shadow in the jail for "testuser". The first one I think was a left over from the first attempt, so I deleted them. That didn't change things.

    The /etc/passwd only contain one line for "testuser" and it looks like this
    the one in the jail /home/etc/passwd looks like
    The only difference I see is that the home directory is different and points inside the jail from outside.

    The permissions on /home/testuser are drwx------(700) and all the files and folders in it are owned by testuser.

    The script that builds the jail comes form and talks about pam causing login problems.
    But I don't have /home/jail/etc/pam.d/su I have the folder but not the file. But my error says nothing about a module. I do have /home/etc/pam.d/su and the above is commented out.

    I am able to manually enter the jail as root.

    Thanks for any advice you can give me.
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    What'S your jail directory? /home, /home/jail, or something else?
  3. rbees

    rbees New Member

    Thanks falko,

    The jail is as built by the script you reference. /home I made no changes to the script as downloaded. I have discovered that for some reason the script set the permissions on the links and files as 700 and 600 instead of 755 and 644.

    I have gone through the files and folders and set the permissions as they are on my Debian Squeeze amd64 install. I may have missed something though.

    Then I ran into a different problem with sftp and the user not being recognized. I fixed that by setting the permissions it /etc/passwd & shadow.

    Now I get what looks like a half login? At least the cursor goes to the next line and I can enter text & some commands but pressing return only sends the cursor to the next line or closes the connection.:confused:

    My install is an upgrade form Lenny when it was testing. When the repos opened for testing squeeze I upgraded. So it has never really run stable.

    There is a directory /home/jail with some of a root file system in it but it is very limited. Not sure how it got there.

    This is what /var/log/auth.log shows
    Oct  1 13:34:08 Kingbee sshd[7153]: Connection from port 49251
    Oct  1 13:34:08 Kingbee sshd[7153]: Failed none for testuser from port 49251 ssh2
    Oct  1 13:34:11 Kingbee sshd[7153]: Accepted password for testuser from port 49251 ssh2
    Oct  1 13:34:11 Kingbee sshd[7153]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user testuser by (uid=0)
    Oct  1 13:34:11 Kingbee sshd[7161]: Changed root directory to "/home"
    Oct  1 13:34:11 Kingbee sshd[7153]: User child is on pid 7161
    Oct  1 13:34:24 Kingbee sshd[7153]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session closed for user testuser
    A quick look through the other log files shows nothing else.

    Any ideas?

  4. rbees

    rbees New Member

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