Dear all I had configured my web real IP website with ISP config. 1. I found porblems that I can send my mail to gmail or any. But when I reply I couldn't get any e-mail. Nothing wrong with gmail. It didn't say any error. 2. I'm afraid to send it back to my address because It will go to endless loop until I stop process. 3. /web is find. Please help!! Regards
Sorry I found it. I didn't declare my 2nd level domain name to my DNS providers. After I did it, my mail arrived. However I still afraid about looping e-mail. How to avoid it and how it happen. Thanks
What about sending the email to a slightly different email address on your server? You can set this second address as alias while you still use the first address for sending.
Thanks Till for your answer. I have another probelm that I accidentally delete web1_admin user in order to make the admin email short. I changed setting prefix in server setting. Now I try to add admin account again but ISPconfig say it already there. I can't use this account nake even I empty my recycle bin. I try to look in search but there are no answer.