Can't get mod_cband to work!!

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by 3cco, Mar 11, 2008.

  1. 3cco

    3cco New Member


    Ok, i'm running Apache 2.x on a CentOs Linux 4.4 and I wanna install mod_cband but it doesn't let me install it!! arghhh... I went over forums and boards but nothing work... Any idea? The problem is simple... I did the httpd-devel, it worked.. but then, when I open the command shell and try to put


    the window freeze and it's over.... And also, when I upload it from my computer, it says "bad rpm or gzipped file".. wtf!

    Thanks in advance!
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    The mod_cband project seems to be dead, that's why the download doesn't work. :(
  3. c0mrade

    c0mrade New Member

    Does anybody have mod-cband- ? did anyone saved it?
  4. Fitz

    Fitz New Member

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